Originally, the farmhouse was a typical traditional Peak District long building. Built of stone with a stone roof, the building included living space for both the farmer and farm animals.
View of Heild End Farm from 1954. The two chimneys indicate the size of the farmhouse, with the remainder of the building being the barn. Doors to two separate barns can be seen in the left of the photo.
In the 1950s, the two barns were converted into living space. A floor was added, with a living room downstairs and two bedrooms to the upper floor. A chimney was also added.
View from October 1956. The converted barn can be seen to the left of the photo. The windows in the original farmhouse were upgraded.
In the 1970s, the front of the farmhouse was further extended. The front porch was extended to create a larger kitchen and also introduce a downstairs cloakroom. At some point, a statue was also added to the front lawn.
Front of the farm in August 2018.
View from the farmyard in August 2018. The arch and garden wall to the right of the photo were added in the 1970s. Also added in the 1970s was the extension to the garage.
Renovation works in the 1950s. This shows the view from the side of the barns. In this photo, the barns have been converted to living space, and works have just started on the new garage.
View from October 1956 on completion of the renovation works.
View from the farmyard in August 2018. After the renovation works in the 1950s, further works were undertaken in the early 1970s. These included an extension of the garage (seen here on the left of the photo) and the addition of a garden wall with arches (seen on the right of the photo).
The farmhouse has undergone at least three previous programmes of works. Originally a traditional long farmhouse and barn, in the 1950s the barn was converted to living space and an attached garage was added.
Groundworks were undertaken to create a garden around the front of the farm. A second programme of works saw a detached triple carport added to the farmyard. Finally, in the 1970s, the attached garage was extended, and two additional rooms added to the farmhouse.
View from 1954, rear of farmhouse and barn, showing original diary at the rear (leftside of photo) and the original barn (rightside of photo).
Renovations to the back of the farm. The barn was converted to living space, with two bedrooms upstairs and a living room downstairs. In this photo, the original diary can be seen extending from the back of the farmhouse.
The building was also extended along the back of the farmhouse from the diary. This created a new garage. The garage was further extended in the 1970s.
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